Programme Design
Each student prepares their own Individual Study Plan (ISP), including both the required elective subjects as well as research plan. The ISP is compiled with the assistance and under the supervision of their assigned tutor. The ISP gets updated throughout the programme and approved by the tutor and the academic board.
Scientific disciplines/subjects you can look forward to
Quantitative and qualitative research methods
Scientific communication and research project management
How to write a scientific paper
Statistical data processing
Phenomenological approach to research
Concept mapping
Systematic review and metaanalysis
Spirituality and personal development
Clinical psychology and psychopathology
Healthcare finance and management

Requirements of the study programme
Gain 240 credits based on your ISP
Submit a scientific article to a peer-reviewed journal before the end of the first year
Prepare an annual progress report (exams passed, internships, dissertation progress) and updated plan for the next year
Spend some research time at another (foreign) research or academic institution or take part in an international project with results published abroad
In your research, focus on four research areas (topics) as a preparation for the state doctoral exam (different from the research in dissertation) and pass the doctoral exam
Write a dissertation of at least 120 pages or prepare a collection of five articles focusing on a single topic (at least three of them published and two submitted to peer-reviewed journals as the main author)
Research Areas / OUSHI
The doctoral study programme is organized by the Olomouc University Social Health Institute (OUSHI), the department of the Sts Cyril and Methodius Faculty of Theology, Palacky University, Olomouc.
Just to mention some of their research areas:
Qualitative research in the field of health, certified DIPEx methodology
Cultural psychology and ethnic minority research
Public health
Health and personality
OUSHI also carries out numerous research projects:
Experiences of women with breast cancer
Children with ADHD
Quality of life improvement for patients with Lyme disease
Age friendliness
Discrimination in access to healthcare for minorities
Non-profit drugs
Relationships between the child, family and school

PhD Student Testimonial
“This is an absolutely unique programme. It combines several things that are extremely interesting to me. It is where theoretical sociology, psychology and philosophy meet the practical research into social sciences, specifically human health and healthcare. The advantage is that OUSHI carries out a number of research projects that you can join and thus learn from your more experienced colleagues. Since the programme includes postgraduate students from various disciplines (psychologists, sociologists, social workers as well as biologists, mathematicians, statisticians or people knowledgeable of media) the discussions in seminars are very stimulating and fruitful. They enrich my thinking with perspectives from other disciplines.”
(Veronika Navrátilová, Ph.D. student)